Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dissolving An Eggshell How Does An Eggshell Dissolves In Vinegar?

How does an eggshell dissolves in vinegar? - dissolving an eggshell

mad when he served in an egg shell is dissolved after a few hours. How is this possible?


rhsaunde... said...

The eggshell is calcium carbonate. The acetic acid in vinegar disadvantages attacks carbonate, the release of carbon dioxide and thus calcium, which is soluble. Other examples are the deposition of calcium in hard water, pearls, and bones.

Infinity said...

The vinegar dissolves the shell of the egg, but damage the membrane, which means that you remove the peel, but without prejudice, and yes, I am referring to a raw egg! The reason for this effect is due to acetic acid in vinegar. The shell consists of calcium carbonate, acetic acid, both leaving the shell breaks dissolve in vinegar. Calcium ions form the floating egg in vinegar, while the carbonate into carbon dioxide, which have carbon dioxide, if you try this at home, is transformed, that the bubbles that formed in the egg.

eg said...

As mentioned above, the dissolved carbon dioxide.

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